An untracked deal can become the next Unicorn. Never with Taghash!

Unlock the future of Dealflow management with Taghash. Ditch outdated CRM tools and excel sheets for a seamless, all-in-one platform that keeps your deals, portfolios, and funds organized and efficient.

An untracked deal can become the next Unicorn. Never with Taghash!

In this 5-minutes read, we’ll see how you can seamlessly track your deal with Taghash and never miss a game-changer start-up.

For an industry that is supposed to be at the forefront of innovation, it’s shocking to see that many VC firms manage their Dealflow with…wait for it…generic CRM tools and excel sheets!!!

I mean, shouldn’t the precious hours of analysts be spent on the lookout for multi-baggers and not on manual data entering and other monotonous tasks?

And the problem doesn’t end here. Managing Dealflow with generic CRM tools comes with a host of issues - data stored in silos, disorganised information, no analytic visual tools and duplication of efforts. It’s like using handcarts even when a supercar is just a click away.

For these very problems, more than 50% of leading Venture Funds in India use Taghash to manage their Dealflow. Let’s see why -

Single source of truth - for anything and everything

There is no need to hop from one file to another to get all the required information. Get all the deal info you need in one single place. You can even take actionable insights like sending emails and setting reminders from the dashboard itself.

A repository of all the work carried out by the VC firm

We maintain all the communication and files exchanged by each member of the team. Even if someone exits from a company, their work - all of their communications, documents, etc are not lost.

Since we don’t just manage deals but also portfolios and funds, you can get all the info from the time a company enters the Dealflow until it gets the IPO.


Add deals from email, website and even WhatsApp!

Our Dealflow software has evolved for more than 7 years. We have taken into consideration all the small and big pain points of VC analysts and designed it accordingly. By using the same, you can spend your time and energy on the most promising opportunities and let Taghash take care of everything else.

Never miss any news about the companies in your Dealflow

Be it start-ups in your Dealflow or Portfolio, Taghash fetches news pertaining to them from all over the internet so you can get the first-mover advantage. You can even set alerts about the target market or competitors of your portfolio companies.

Leverage Dealflow BI - Your one-stop solution for data and visualisation tools

With Taghash, you get data, intelligence and workflow at your fingertips as we provide comprehensive analysis and visualisation tools.

These come in handy when you want to identify hidden trends, assess market fit, and predict future performance with real-time insights.

Round-the-clock customer support

Our team is always just one WhatsApp message away from addressing your queries. We aim to address your concerns quickly, with a response within 10 minutes of your message.

Taghash prides itself on giving the most proactive customer support among all the VC CRM tools out there.

Here’s what Ms. Pearl Agrawal, Managing Partner at Eximus has to say about Taghash Dealflow management system -

“At Eximius Ventures, We have been using Taghash to manage our deal flow. It has streamlined our deal flow, helping us maintain a high Founder NPS. Its intuitive interface and collaborative features have enhanced our efficiency and communication, resulting in stronger founder relationships and quicker responses.”

Click here to book a demo to learn more about our Dealflow, Portfolio and Fund Management Software suit. We’re just one WhatsApp message away from making your life more easy-peasy-breezy.