Track your fund performance across multiple SPVs and portfolios
Comprehensive performance metrics
Track the progress on a single dashboard throughout the fund cycle. Calculate and access all the key metrics like IRR, MOIC, Realized gains, investments all on a single dashboard at any given point in time.
Custom currency and exchange rates settings
We support all currency, custom exchange rates and flexibility in defining your fund and invested currency.
Track ownership effortlessly
Effortlessly manage complex ownership structures by tracking investments and ownership percentages across multiple Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and funds within your portfolio.
Single source of truth
Manage your risk, ownership and allocation on a single system. Query, analyze and evaluate data metrics as per your unique assessment criteria.
Communicate effortlessly across workspaces, with granular permissions
Foster teamwork and streamline communication among your team members and partners to make informed decisions quickly. Run siloed deal flow for multiple use cases and personas. Configure visibility & permissions to access and manage data and tasks.
Comprehensive reports in one click
Get a comprehensive summary of your fund performance based on key metrics and generate shareable customized reports.